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02-07-2016 – 30-09-2016 “So Hot” will be exposed during the summer exhibition of Gallery Sille! Opening: 2th of July 12:00 – 22:00 |

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21-05-2016 Publication in NRC Handelsblad (Article by Belle Derks) “Vrouwen aan de top – pas op voor de queen bee” Article in Dutch

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18-04-2016 Lokal Stories asked me to contribute a photo to their Facebook cover !  – Lokal uses art & discussion to evaluate cyberbullying and criticism, with specific regard given…

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16-04-2016 Publication in NRC Handelsblad (article by Wiegertje Postma) “De vrouw is een mens. Dat is het uitgangspunt”

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13-04-2016 Collaboration between Daantje Bons (photographer) and Sarah-Linda Forrer (designer). In parallel to the collection of eating tools Evoke initiated by Sarah-Linda Forrer, they created a series of photographs…

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02-04-2016 Publication in Volkskrant Magazine (Smaak Rubriek)

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11-2015 / 11-2016 Publication in New Dutch Photography Talent Book 2016 | By GUP

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12-09-2015 Happy to announce that I got selected for New Dutch Photography Talent 2016 Book!!!

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01-2015 – 07-2015 Assignment and exhibition Textiel Museum Tilburg | Curated by Jules van den Langenberg  

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11-06-2015 Picture interview on Kollektiv Gallery | by Sophie Giblin

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